Andy Narell and Relator - the making of the University of Calypso CD

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Andy Narell and Relator - the making of the University of Calypso CD click for exclusive interview with Andy Narell

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  • Excellently valuable!

  • Really nice !

  • Superb work,keep on doing your thing,God Bless.

  • My name is Herman. Relator knows me as Hermie from Quarry street. I knew Relator will be successful in the calypso world because since he was a kid he always singing with his Quatro. God bless.
  • I got a copy of this album from Andy Narell last year. When I heard it I was really happy with what I heard. I always liked listening to music from these two guys, and now they come together and did this album, wow its really really great.... Good luck guys well done..........
    And,y I also enjoyed playing "Coffie Street" with Skiffle Bunch........
  • These two guys seem dedicated to the Steel Orch. The are doing a good job. I like the one they did in Germany and would like to get one if I can find out where to purchase it.
  • I like Andy Norell pan Playing very much and the combination of him and Relator really puts things together.
    Also I would like to buy the CD. How would I be able to puchase one?
  • Two of the great ones multiplying greatness with more greatness dat is formula! ......yes!
  • I want to buy this CD. Where? How?
  • University of Calypso. Great Great work....Ah have to get me this album.
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