Asami Nagakiya at Jazz and Pops Japan

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Asami at the Jazz and Pops contest

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  • It has been a pleasure to have known her. R.I.P. My love you continue to live in our hearts and minds.

  •  She may have had dreams for pan but it have been taken away,big  lost  ,for pan .

  • Thanks Asami, the angels await you now to join them in the heavenly orchestra, may you continue playing forever and in peace! Be blessed!
  • I have always maintained that the pan sounds even sweeter when it is mixed with other instruments. Even right down to the bass the same sweet effect of mixing is heard. Asami left this texture. we are not here to stay butto move on. Some of us move on in unforeseen and horrible ways. We are not to determine how we will die but die we must die to be born again. continue on Asami soul in your next life. Thank you for adopting our unique musical instrument. Welcome to a new life some where where pan is played in the universes.

  • super talent ambassador- rip

  • I know this video is designed to celebrate her life and not the tragedy that ended it,but i would try to remain positive and not make any comment or comments to spoil what i would consider to be a life of great promise.The sicko who did this even if he or she is;nt brought to justice by the authorities would indeed meet a horrific ending one way or another. My  condolences go out to her immediate family,her friends and her extended pan family and for whatever it's worth i think her memory would live on in the minds and hearts of the people she touched with her short but meaningful life.

  • Awesome! A jazzy coolness about her. Hope we learnt something, anything. She moved past playing in a steelband.

  • Such a wonderful composition and performance!

  • Superb performance.   

    What a sad ending to a free spirited individual.  

    May the angels lift you up in paradise where you will continue to play sweet pan music with the other pannists gone before you.

  • Just awesome - what a lost I'm so sadden being a Trini living abroad - RIP Sister
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