Ben Lion - Robert Greenidge - Moods Pan Groove

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New York's Moods Pan Groove performs "Ben Lion" as arranged by the great Robert Greenidge. Basement Recordings captures this performance a few days before they take the stage for panorama 2002.

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  • Mr Greenidge and Moods Pan Groove, total brilliant performance. Much respect to Clyde Durant and the late Winston Phillips,and all members during the wonderful years that made Moods Pan Groove Brooklyn Gem.

  • Well done WST, continue to bring us these's about time we recognize Robbie for his work and creative abilities in this art-form. Time for T&T to give him his dues as cultural icon and ambassador of the steel-pan.

    Check out his 1993 presentation by Despers "Street Party" with lively Bertie Marshall @ 9:50

  •  Great arrangement on well tuned instruments.Your knowledge of the instruments was evident by the way you used them to advantage in the orchestration of this selection. Well done Robbie.

  • A repetition of this arrangement for this year 2012 would be wonderful,, this is Pan,,just smooth,clean,well tuned instruments,,NUFF RSPECT,,,

  • Too bad there was a split for Panorama that year. I really would have loved to hear Moods go up against Pantonic. Both were great arrangements.

  • Perfectly tuned instruments,,perfectly arranged,,it would be a pleasure to know the name of the Tuner of these Steelpans.

  • Love it. Very good steelpan sound

  • love it

  • Beautiful arrangement nice orchestration with  interesting pieces... horay robert good work...
  • This is one of the greats that i knew of Sir Robert Greenidge,,that,s what the relative authorities must do ,Honour These People ,for their unimaginary work  value and not disregard the gift of persons,,,,,perfect arrangement,,,.big up. 
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