BERTRAM KELMAN, Master Steelpan Tuner in the Spotlight

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A When Steel Talks exclusive interview with master steelpan tuner Bertram "Birch" Kelman.

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  • Excellent interview, though I didn't hear the interviewer too clearly.

    Don't let Burch fool you. He was a very good tenor pan soloist and a competent arranger.
    I'm sure he would have excelled at both if he hadn't chosen to concentrate on tuning.

    I remember Burch tuning pans for Southern Marines in the sixties, and for us when I was a member of Scarlet Symphony- I played a tenor bass that he tuned.

    Few of us had the interest , or curiosity or patience to get involved in tuning.
    Back then, it was hard work, and it took a special individual to devote himself to tuning.

    Burch was and is a special individual and is deserving of accolades for his contribution to the pan and the art-form.

  • The quality of this interview very disappointing particularly audio quality of interviewer if you wish to employ technique of audio on Birch then you need to edit after your interview

  • Yep.. Required viewing.

  • Pan is not a part time lover, great statement!!
  •   This quiet unassuming tuner has been giving yeoman service to the Steelband Movement in general and to many steelbands in particular.for many years. It is heartening to see that 'When Steel Talks' has taken the time to showcase his talent. Well done, Mr. Kelman for your dedication to our "National Instrument" the steelpan. I pray that you will have the strength to keep up your good work.

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