BID Music on the Green 2012 - Pantonic Steel Orchestra

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Pantonic Steel Orchestra performs at BID Music on the Green 2012 event in New Rochelle, New York. New Rochelle, New York - The large Summer evening crowd sang, clapped, danced and rocked to the unmistakable music, sounds and rhythm of Pantonic Steel Orchestra. And when it was over the crowd clamored for more. All too ready to oblige, the group performed one more song, bringing to a halt the folks who had already started to move to the exits - believing that the show was over. Yes indeed, it was a true case of dancing and singing in the exits and in the aisles, which were at the periphery of the Green. If there is a “no dancing in the end zone” rule in New Rochelle, it was clearly happily violated by these concert attendees. click for full story Contact Pantonic: email ; voice 1 (718) 421-2041

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