Billy Jean - Phase II Pan Groove - Len "Boogsie" Sharpe arranger

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The date is April 16, 2005. The place is the Queen's Park Savannah, Port of Spain, Trinidad - the home of the steelpan. The event is the annual Pan In The 21st Century competition produced by Pan Trinbago, the governing body of the steelbands. Present are the greatest steelbands and arrangers/composers on the planet. On this day, another historical marker in the steelband history timeline will take place, as two steelband music titans, master arrangers Clive Bradley and Len "Boogsie" Sharpe, will add more lore to their already legendary status and careers. Mr. Bradley with Desperadoes and Mr. Sharpe with Phase II, will capture the top two positions respectively. The music and arrangements delivered by both orchestras are now classics in their own time.

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