Birdsong Steel Orchestra / "Dis 1 4 Raf" / Panorama 2016

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Birdsong Steel Orchestra performing before the judges at Panorama Preliminaries 2016. Their tune of choice is titled "Dis 1 4 Raf" composed and arranged by Andy Narell.

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  • Sweetest pan music for the panorama 2016 for me so far.

  • Smooth & Sweet Andy, just needs to up the tempo. Good luck.

  • Give this musically talented band a bligh ! They have been shunned for years because we have grown accustomed to the fast tempo jumpy music. Change is good in 2016. Andy Narell you will prove them wrong this year. Good luck.

  • Nice tonal quality. Needs to step up the pace. Always like the jazz feel of his arrangements.

  • I have been very vocal about  Andy panorama music in the past, but after hearing a few bands for 2016 I find what Andy is doing very refreshing.

  • Andy this is what am' talking about you are now stepping it up, this is real sweet music for Panorama all you

    have to do now is put some spice (speed) in it. Trini likes to jump up if you know what I mean. We like to hear

    real jamming on Panorama night that's we " TING " Congrats and best of luck.

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