Bro.Valentino - 'No Revolution'

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"The night in question, he came to our tent to meet the Calypsonians. I was going to sing 'No Revolution', when the manager, Sunny Woodly, came and said to me, "Hear nah Valy boy, the 'Doc' coming in the tent tonight and ah doh think yuh could sing that song." When he told me that, I felt a little concerned, so I made up my mind to sing the other song. The tent was crowded and they had a section of NJAC people, and you still had a ricochet of the public who were still in sympathy. The people came out to hear kaiso and they wanted to hear that kaiso. When it was my time to go on stage, they introduced another song. That came and passed and I sang the next song and so on. When it was time for intermission, the man came backstage and met the calysponians and shook hands with them. When it was almost time for the second half to start, I saw a bunch of people talking, but I didn't know what they were discussing. George Goddard was there at the time, and he was the first president of Pan Trinbago and it was he who revolutionized the pan movement. He was a real fighter. When I realized the conversation was about me, and why I didn't sing my song, I heard George Goddard telling Kitchener, "If that boy doh sing his song here tonight, I will make the steelband men and them boycott yuh tune." He had that kind of power. Back then Ivan Williams used to be the 'Doc's bodyguard; so it was about eight of them there, plus his daughter Erica. That one Calypso caused a controversy. That is one of the things I will remember throughout my career as well. Back then it was tension in the air. I said to myself, "Look what a Calypso could cause nah boy." Ivan Williams came and he told me that I could sing the song. I sang the song and the crowd went wild. They came for that." Brother Valentino

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