Caribbean Renaissance Pioneer, David Boothman

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A conversation with Caribbean Jazz Artist, Composer, Bandleader/Producer and Keyboardist, David Boothman... Caribbean Renaissance Pioneer.

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  • Are you Ken of 44 Gloster Lodge Rd?

  • Way to go Ken Jones.....thanks for that.....really is the way it was man....You are a bit older than me but I remember some of good ole days....

  • Seeing David brings back so many happy,happy memories of his deceased dad Oliver, my co-worker at

    Coconut Growers Assoc in Laventille and how proud Oliver was of his boys especially David as he rose

    to the Top.

    I just turned 84 on February 20th a member of your group which provides so many.manyy information about

    the Musicians,steelbands etc.,'KEEP IT UP"

    I am what u call young at heart and a dreamer having the privilege to be born in the old era,, where Calyopsionian

    Lion, was our neighbor on Gloster Lodge  Rd,Belmont,His Calpsonian, " I had a little monkey" was a true story

    where he had a Pet Monkey in cage>Somehow it got away and the Police had to shoot it.

    Casablanca on Argyle Street was my band si nce I was 8 yrs.,we saw Batman  and Robin,the DEm Bros

    "Black jersey and Baseball Bats" side when they were expecting war, would go around telling parents to keep the

    kids inside and turn the lights out. Later in the night, Peeping through jeaousies we see fellas getting cut up beaten

    bawling and screaming running up the road.

    After the war had ended. you hear the police sirens, they were smart to let the badjohns fight their battle

     One for the books, Casablana and Invaders decided to sign Peace after years of

    war  all one hear playing as they got together to sign Peace " OH lord Invaders why you, run, why you run
    why you run"

    They never got so sign Peace as  parties went into the Tent, there were screaming and bawling as stones and bottles rained down smashing the tent and people ran to safety. It was later said that Tokyo was responsibleFinally a sight never to be forgotten during Carnival the 42 Steps on Oxford street, all lighted with candiles in the sign of
    "The Cross of Loraine"

    Finally, I used to represent Queen Royal College in Pole Vault in Southern Games when I was l7 years,attended

    dances at Palms Club (One entrance to go in and out) here the Dutchy Bros., played there were many fights and all one could hear" Beat the town men" so you either jump through the window hopingnot to break your foot or hide  under tables until calm reigned,this we did

    Ken Jones



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