Carnival Queen 1954

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Footage from 1954 Carnival Queen show in Trinidad and Tobago.

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  • Anthony V Young , I relate to this all white girls as I remember the Colonial days in TT. Only white people worked in the banks and other management positions . That's just how it was until the black power movement and everything changed after that . I remember they had a White people club at Texaco and one for the others . When we went there to beat pan at parties for them . We were not alllowed to mix with the white people .
  • This footage of the 1954 Carnival Queen show in T&T is certainly an eye opener. I was stunned to see practically all the contestants were white or of fair skin, and not one black or of mixed racial composition among them. One might come to the conclusion that the society in T&T at that time was predominantly caucasian. Unlike today, where there's more coffee in the milk, as evidenced by a more cosmopolitan society and a more racially integrated people. One might be tempted to ask: "Where are the whites?"

    All in all, I am proud of my country's history of producing over the years some of the most beautiful women in the world, regardless of racial origin or ethnicity.

  • Great memory. One of cousins was Joy Dayal was miss San Fernando in the fifties . Don't recall the year.
  • Wow! A nice reminder of the history of our country, and a chance to examine the difference w

    e find today.

  • all 'white'! incredible....

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