Carnival Story Aka Trinidad Carnival (1957)

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London Airport (Heathrow). L/S of an air hostess walking towards the steps of a plane. Passengers board the plane. Another air hostess stands at the door and welcomes the passengers. The stairs are taken away. It is a B.O.A.C. aircraft. Trinidad, West Indies. High angle shot of the island then M/S of a tropical beach. Various shots of costumes being prepared for the annual Carnival. Woman pin costumes onto a man, another woman stitches a brightly coloured costume. L/S of an ornate head-dress being tried on by a young boy. Various shots of steel drums being made and played. L/S of passengers disembarking from a plane - they are inhabitants of neighbouring islands and are all dressed up. Staff of the plane walk across the runway. Two stewardesses greet each other, they are going to the carnival too. Trinidad Airport exterior - the two air hostesses walk into the building. High angle shot of a steel band moving through the streets. Various shots of musicians and dancers parading in the streets. Our two air hostesses Betty Lou and Margaret dance along with them. Lots of good costumes are seen including Roman Centurions, dragons, strange animals, bull fighters etc. Shots of the crowd are intercut with shots of the "bands" and their costumes.

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