Carol of the Bells - RENAISSANCE S C E

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St. Justin R. C. Church-Fundraiser '09

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  • What a treat it was listening to this seven member Renaissance Steel Chamber Ensemble performing Christmas carols and classical music at the St. Justin R.C. church! This group of young men and women, so smartly and elegantly attired, held me as a captive audience, spellbound in utter admiration for their highly proficient and flawless execution of the selected musical pieces. The acoustics in the church made it seem as though the sounds were emanating from some huge electronic organ, especially when the lead tenor pan soloist, Renee Ogiste was playing "Air on a G string" by Bach.

    It would be greatly appreciated if Pan Times could shed some light on whether the Renaissance Steel Chamber Ensemble has recorded any music for sale, and if so, where can it be obtained.

    Again, my hat's off to an outstanding group of exceptionally talented pannists and to the Conductor under whose direction this group performed superbly.

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