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CCAH STEEL BAND playing Farmer Nappy - My House at Toronto Canada pan alive 2015 panorama tuner and arranger ALBERT

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  • CH; I have to be, because I've witness Anthony Williams and Herman "rock" Johnston while in North Stars, evolve the "TONAL QUALITIES" of these instruments in the 1950s thru 1963, from the cycle of 4ths & 5ths to doubles to triples, quadruples to 5 and 6 basses, and Johnston "echophone the & 7 bass", pan round the neck, to pan on stands and the whole mobilization of the ensemble on wheels, and of late , they let a dumb physics name Ulf Korfman from Sweden influence them with "Harmonics" or harmonis tuning which is for string instruments, PAN IS NOT a string instrument, it's a bowl like perimeter  boundared closed plane figure groove in from which note derives/is made, putting three not to make one,  a chord C G E is total madness, over working the metal to put something there, other than the actual note, is bull shit, that is Y the instruments sounds like SHIT TODAY...

  • JJJ don't be too hard on them, it's not every band could afford good instruments, they have to make the best of what they have.

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