Hello Christopher : Greetings . This is an elementary teacher from Calvary R.C. School./ Mr. Albino. I found your interview on When Steel Talks very interesting so I tried phoning but did not suceed to make contact. I remember meeting you in Montreal several years ago and you gave me the story about my involvement with your historic entry into the school choir. All the teachers and former students of the school are truly proud of you. I need to discuss something with you, so I would be happy if you fine the time to email me at alb206@yahoo.com. Thanks and keep up the great work. Former Calvary R.C. music teacher, Aldwin Albino.
God will continue to bless you my friend!
Good Afternoon Mr. Herbert, It is such a treat to see and hear you talk about your introduction to music and
your achievements. I know the great voice with which the Lord has richly blessed you. We missed you last
year at the Annual Achievement Day Celebrations. May I wish you all success in 2014. Keep up your good work..
Hello Christopher : Greetings . This is an elementary teacher from Calvary R.C. School./ Mr. Albino. I found your interview on When Steel Talks very interesting so I tried phoning but did not suceed to make contact. I remember meeting you in Montreal several years ago and you gave me the story about my involvement with your historic entry into the school choir. All the teachers and former students of the school are truly proud of you. I need to discuss something with you, so I would be happy if you fine the time to email me at alb206@yahoo.com. Thanks and keep up the great work. Former Calvary R.C. music teacher, Aldwin Albino.