CIS+ 2016 - Asami Nagakiya (RIP) Memorial - Japanese Pan Player + Teacher

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Condolences and remembrance for Japanese Pan Player Asami Nagakiya (RIP ~9th Feb 2016). The Champs in Steel + 2016 Show, the Grandstand, Queen's Park Savannah, Port of Spain, Trinidad, TT, West indies; Saturday, 13th February 2016. (This posting had 15 views before it was updated)

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  • Rest in Peace Asami

  • A real tragic event. R.I.P Asami.

  • Sad and really put a damper on 2016 Carnival conclusion and a serious wake up call to all off T&T. RIP our Pan loving friend and ambassador from the far east.

  • Dreamin' Girl, dreaming of carnival and pan. Never waking up.

    R.I.P. Asami

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