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Studio 66 and Panberi Steel Orchestra held a cultural extravaganza at Pamberi Panyard, San Juan Hill to mark what Rafiki Morris called the "opening up of a c...

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    There were also carvings and sculptures on display.

    Outlining the theme of the exhjbition,"Expressions of the cultural warrior", Rafiki went on to state the aims of the project."Pamberi and Studio 66 go way back to 1996,when we held our first exhibition, the "Last Warrior".

    We want to establish the panyard as a cultural centre in all aspects,to demonstrate the role of visual and public art in the process of social development.We want to create a permanent space of constant transformation where visitors can live and experience the art.

    Pointing out that visual art is much a part of new/alternative media, Rafiki added that the venue will host community based programmes to teach young people all forms of creative expression in a mentorship programme.

    "We are excited and encouraged. Last weekend we saw some young talent that was awesome,on the pan,in the spoken word,and in calypso.,we had a workshop for a nearby school.We are going to continue to open up the space for creative development".

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