CrossFire Steel Orchestra - “Scene” - Cool Down Version - NY Panorama 2016 - Panyard Recordings

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Basement captures CrossFire Steel Orchestra from East Flatbush, Brooklyn a couple of nights before Panorama in their New York panyard. CrossFire took the stage with 85 players. Kendall Williams is the arranger. Tune of choice is “Scene” - This is the cool down version. Contact CrossFire at 1 (718) 345-1552. See more on CrossFire at Crossfire 2016 ~Tenors~ Antonio John Edward Clarke Malaki Joseph Mark Joseph Sage Harrison Zeandre Douglas Spenser Williams Sean Perham Stefan Bain Navarre Mason Chaelon Notice Kendall Williams Bandon Nestor J Malcolm Ayanna Wright Destiny Romeo Erin Walker Giselle Desir Jalissa Lynch Laeticia Walker Joalene Griffith Orisha John Linda Papademas Andrea James Nyesha Hernandez Imari Bactowal ~Double Tenor~ Arielle Chase Selena Antoine Shanell George Sapphire Borneo Emily Lanxner Rachelle Ramdoo Shane McDonald Andy Bliss ~Double Seconds~ Khyah Judah Nicole Ffrench Mark Garceran Marc Brooks Andrew Semple ~Quads~ Le'Roi Simmonds Anthony Phillips Andrea Wilson ~Guitar~ Keifer Dover Javon Duncan Terrel Lineman Norzika Lewis Tinneel Best Sakinah Porter Shelly George Racquel Leonce ~Cello~ Danielle Edinboro Jada Charles Tamika Small Elizabeth Kelly Damany James Jeffrey Jean Howard George Matthew Best Kelvin Browne ~Tenor Bass~ Aaliyah Hospedales Desta Mashama Nadia Joseph ~Bass~ Alexis Schloss Joanelle Donald Ashley George Kianna Carrington Tannika Phillips Faizah Romano Brandon Modeste Malcolm Rice Warren Webster Kernel Simon ~Rhythm~ Jerry Guy Lucas Martin Douglas Barton JGabriel Bruce Fasal aka Mush Jason Barton Orlando Thomas Josh Quillen Alfred Alexis Gerion Williams Kern Summerville Lynette Leeyow Colette ~Banner/Flag~ GBM Nutron Rashida Kamaria Indira Lee Benette - field engineer Kadeem Roberts - video engineer Don Jr. - video engineer CP - audio - photographer

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