Culture and Economic Underachievement In Trinidad and Tobago | Terrence Farrell | TEDxPortofSpain

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In this funny and insightfull talk, Terrence Farrell draws on his work as an economist to describe some of the culturally historic reasons Trinidad and Tobag...

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  • Cultural changes cannot just 'happen', they have to be taught/learnt. The necessary disciplines

    have to be organised & legislated so that they become compulsory, with systems in place to

    facilitate action. there must also be sanctions & penalties for those who do not comply. These

    can then be applied to any scenario, be it applying for a passport or waiting for a taxi.

  • Accurate, enjoyably presented analysis of our national challenge!  Our steelbands can become a catalyst for cultural change that generates quantifiable economic benefits for this and future generations.

  • Brilliantly true!

  • Very important and insightful presentation. And the challenge of cultural change to benefit current and future generations is quite achievable. Thanks.

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