Curry Tabanca - Trinidad All Stars Steel Orchestra

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Perhaps the most popular Panorama arrangement to have never won the competition - the 1987 ground-breaking performance of Trini's "Curry Tabanca," arranged by Leon "Smooth" Edwards for the Trinidad All Stars Steel Orchestra.

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  • I went back to listen to this after hearing 'excitement' this year.  The latter may, as an overall arrangement and performance, be better. But this one came almost 'out of the blue' and I said at the time 'this boy will never do something like this again!" he clearly has, but nothing can beat the magic of that night. It replaced Guiness Cavaliers (Also 'out of the blue')  'Mas' (Melody) in the early 60s as my most memorable panorama moment. I think it still is!

  • People rate Boogsie as the best or the Boss… He could never have arranged this tune as the master of Smooth could. Boogsie could only play his music. The best Arranger in pan history is Smooth, because he took tunes outside of the pan realm and made it winning performances. Smooth has been the only one to do this in the history of Pan not once but four times. This did not win in the Judges eyes but it won People’s choice that year… I was there that night and the crowd were hysterical after that performance.

  • Pure Smooth Innovation The judges didnt understand it

    Pan and Tassa Blending Sweet music

  • OMG!!!!!!! After all these years this is still the BEST to date.
  • Holy cow!!!!! What a piece of inspired genius!!!
  • What a beautiful arrangement of this tune.Congrats to the arranger.
  • Maybe d only reason they did not win was because they went over the ten minutes limit?????
  • ALL STARS what can I say " CURRY TABANCA " the best arrangement for that year !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I say no one , on one won that Panorama besides " ALL STARS " . Just did not want to give them the Title . In my mine ALL STARS won. ( True Champions)
  • Beautiful
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