D'Radoes Steel Orchestra - Cool Down - backup PanYard audio - D’Radoes - Spankin’ - A Tribute

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No - Basement has not started to mix down the panyard tracks of the 2014 NY Panorama season as yet, but here is a big-time teaser. When Steel Talks (WST) felt that WST member Kern "Soca King" Simon simply did not have enough jobs during the panorama season - what with him playing in four steel orchestras for the Panorama - so we gave him a roaming camera detail during our recording session. So with audio from our 'back-up to the back-up system,' here are the 2014 panorama champs D'Radoes Steel Orchestra performing a 'cool down' version of their tune of choice "Spankin’ - A Tribute" -- featuring the one and only Kern "Soca King" Simon on video camera.

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