D'Radoes Steel Orchestra - "Like Ah Boss" - Terrance “BJ” Marcelle arranger - 2015 Panyard Recording

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Basement Recordings captures the champion D'Radoes Steel Orchestra 2015 New York Panorama selection "Like Ah Boss" as arranged by Terrance “BJ” Marcelle just days before the competition. This is the "cool down " version being performed at a slower tempo than that at Panorama. D'Radoes again used two great drummers - Gregory Pegus (pan - center left) and Richard Bailey (pan center right). The drill-master is Dane Gulston. D'Radoes took the Panorama stage with 100 players... Pans tuned by Roland Harrigin New York Panorama results 2015 http://ow.ly/Slzyj

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  • Yuh can't argue with that…arranged and executed …like ah boss...

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