Daisy James McClean - UpClose - A WST Exclusive Interview - Steelpan Music Pioneer

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Global - Mrs. Daisy James-McClean is an award-winning female steelpan musician, whose recognized list of firsts and accomplishments within the steelband movement are both significant and staggering. She is an original (Ms. McClean started playing over 70 years ago, and just celebrated her seventy-sixth birthday) who keeps on giving to the steelpan movement, starting from its earliest, and now as the leader of Harlem Syncopators of Trinidad and Tobago. In this UpClose When Steel Talks (WST) exclusive interview, WST participated in one of those rare and treasured moments as we stepped back in time through the eyes, voice and memories of an original Pan pioneer Daisy James-McClean in our ‘UpClose’ series. Here is Daisy James-McClean’s story in her own words. read more http://j.mp/XdaIpj

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  • Long life to this illustrious female pioneer. I hope other female pioneers will come forward to share their experiences with us.

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