Deltones - Trini

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2011 Trinidad Panorama Finals

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  • I enjoyed playin with this band lookin to b there next yr for prelims an semis to not jus final ................................. look out for we donnie carlos an me
  • Fantastic fantastic

  • Mr. Zanda stayed the course in this tune and yes he reminds me of the Great Clive Bradley.... MUSIC
  • I absolutely love this arrangement and the way Zanda stayed with the melody throughout the entire piece. This was my choice for the winning arrangement. However, while Panorama is an enjoyable event, it's too bad that these bands have to compete against one another. Well done Deltones, and keep bringing this music Zanda. You may not have won the competition, but us Pan lovers are real winners for having this music to listen to whenever we want.
  • Congrats to the players of Deltones. Well done to you Zanda!! Remember my statements of two years ago.The Bradley style is very much alive, thank God.
  • well done!!!!!
  • Eye4Pan, for a moment I thought I was alone in feeling this, Zanda keeps reminding me of Bradley, hopefully others will take notice...this version of 'Trini' is a gem.
  • It will take the judges awhile to digest what Zanda did and is doing with his arrangements.... Very Bradley-esque in many ways, So unique and intriguing his melodic improvisations are sometimes complex yet easy on the ears I must admit I didn't get it at first But I get it now ....Fascinating music... there is no reason (other than the band itself still acclimating to his style) why this rendition should not be considered for top honors.... But that's just little old me speaking.....
  • de man...this is music.
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