Desperadoes - Pan In Harmony

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Audio version...1976 Steelband Panorama Champions arranger Clive Bradley.

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  • THIS is how to start the day! Every inch of me has goose pimples & my body & soul are ALIVE!

  • Sorry to say, but this recording does no justice to Desperadoes Final night performance. I was surprised that Charlo did not use the live recording of the 2-sided 45 rpm that was sold at NY in early 1976.

    Most of us from the Hill purchased a copy. I am angry that my copy was destroyed and all whom I called also lost or cannot find theirs. What a bomber! I AM STILL INTERSTED IN OWNING A COPY. (do you have one?) lol 

  • Vintage Desperadoes with '' Pan in Honey ''  as was nicknamed arrange by Sir Clive Bradley.

  • Those were the days boy, real pan music just tinking about it puts ah smile on meh face.good job....




  • One of my favorite panorama tunes of all times. Bradley gone but his musical arrangements will live on.
  • there you go...the old days were good but some of the now days are even better!!x
  • feeling like the old days
  • love this................soft and mellow and just right for dancing under the stars with an ice cold Carib Beer on the table!!!!!!!!!!xxx
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