Desperadoes - Panama [audio only]

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Desperadoes playing David Rudder's Panama at Panorama finals 1988

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  • Honey!!!!!!!!

  • amazing....David Rudder's music an awesome legend!!! Like THE
  • Over the years, most of the top bands developed a sound that pan affectionadoes could immediately identify.

    One such band is Desperadoes. Even with different arrangers you could still identify the Desperadoes sound.

    It is interesting that even when Bradley arranged for other bands, they never sounded like Despers.

    Another such band is Trinidad All Stars.

    And Boogsie has also created a unique Phase II sound, as has Renegades and Fonclaire among others.

    Looking back in the past, Guinness Cavaliers, Hylanders, Solo Harmonites all had their sound.

    Even though the distinctions between bands is more subdued today( partly due to Panorama judging, I may add), some distinctions still remain, and I sincerely hope that these distinctions between bands continue, and even grow.

    Having said all that, this piece is definitely Despers.
  • This arrangement was done by BEVERLY with ROBBIE doing the upgrade for the finals .eg.the latin part and the run in the introducton and the ending .thi ong ha more airplay on T.T.T.than any other song in steelband history.It was played approximately three times a day for years.thi i not the actual speed that the band played on final night..Extremely Great Arrangement and Performance.This is the song that inspired me to play pan.......


  • Thanks for the info, Ian I was wondering if Robbie was also involved with this arrangement since he co-arranged so many tunes with Beverly.
    Again, for some reason Pan Trinbago excluded Robbie's name from the arranger credits on the Panorama winners list. You'd think that the supposed pan authority would try to be more accurate.
  •  Just for the record, this tune was a co-arrangement of Bev & Robbie. Both previously did "Pan Night and Day" in 1985 (1st), "The Hammer" in 1986 (7th), "Pan In A Minor" in 1987 (3rd) and "Panama" in 1988 (3rd).

    This is not the tempo of the band's performance at the finals. You can tell by the high pitch of the pans.

  • Sweet even though at a fast tempo, that was the tempo days
  • Hey there's a time for Ballads and there's a time for some serious heavy jamming - some tunes sound good at

    80bpm and some tunes need to be at 136bpm ....if your brain is to busy with critical ideas you will not be able

    to feel the essence of the music no matter what tempo the song is played! Hats off to Beverly and Despers.

  • @ Randisc apparently the tune was played faster than expected according to a friend of mine who played with Despers that year. I do agree at times it does feel pushed but it was nothing new even back then (All stars - Doh Back Back), though it does give it an aggressive edge.
  • As nice as the arrangement may be, it still sounds like it was arranged and played by "mile minute" the savanah man.

    Why does every thing have to be so fast?

    You loose the sutle nuances played by the double seconds and the guitar pans.

    I just hope we can get back to playing music and not showing off how many notes can be played in the shortest time.

    Life in general is too short

    Relax! enjoy! tomorrow will come soon enough! 

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