Desperadoes Panorama 2013 Semi Finals Large Bands

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Desperadoes performing Hammer Time - Panorama 2013 Semi Finals Large Bands Kats Imai.

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  • Adio, you can't make a comment with the bad recordings. The whole video and audio is filthy because people are using all types of equipment to record these large bands and placing them online without the BANDS permission.


  • I am desperadeos to the marrow but we aint winning with that . If is to restore some credibility and pride yes we will get into the finals and maybe finish in the top five good try Robert

  • nice tonal quality, good blend, excellent variation overall nice balance but if that is the tempo the band is using for a panorama piece is it  very poor and totally unaceptable. Andy Narell have no respect for our traditions. To the management of the Birdsong Steel Orchestra if that is the case you guys should fired. I would give you a  example why i say that if i come to your house and tell you how to eat sleep and bath something you have doing  for  generations  wrong or right  and  it seems to be working and its also acceptable by the masses leave it alone Andy  that is   not  your business you dont live here,could you cook a pelau, do you no what is mango chow my sugesstion to you is humble yourself or the ancestor is going to take care of business . Thank you Adio.

  • Even with the bad recording, one can still tell it was serious music that Robbie put down.


  • Point taken Pan Times!but I received an invitation to view this material from WST
    and as such maybe in future YOU should vet the quality of material on your site BEFORE inviting members to participate.
  • @ Roderick M. Aqui - WST had absolutely nothing to do with this video. This a video posted on Youtube The video was made by Kats Imai. All videos produced by WST are clearly identified with the WST logo... The producer of any video can be easily identified by clicking on the i on the right corner of any video on WST. In the future please take the time correctly figure out who produced and or posted the videos you comment on.

  • Thanks for this WST,but it would have been better to leave us with just the audio you sent us earlier in the week rather than this video recording which does no justice to the mighty Desperadoes.Shame on you for sharing this video presentation which only remotely resembles what was a fantastic performance on semi-final night.Please get your act together BEFORE the finals!

  • Yes Robert this is a bad recording but the was a lot of echo through the sound system.  This is pretty close to what the audience was hearing. The sound was bad all night.

  • bad recording of band,not hearing the real thing,

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