Desperadoes - My Fair Lady - A blast from the past

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My Fair Lady - Desperadoes - A blast from the past

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  • That is when the band was known as the Coca Cola Gay Desperados...I used to be up on the hill by the community center as a teenager with my Dad and Georgie Yates and many of the other big guys...

    I will never forget those days.Like it was just yesterday...I left T'dad 5 years later...and that year they were practicing bridge over trouble water (Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel) mega hit.

  • Excerpts from "My Fair Lady" from the 1966 double album "Triple Crown Winners" as arranged by Beverly Griffith.

    Certainly one of the best pan albums ever.

    It boggles the mind that Despers had 17 great arrangements on one album,

    That's seventeen tunes , folks .

    On one album in one year.

    I would challenge any steelband today to accomplish that.

    See how far we've come ?

  • One of the best stell band albums ever made.
  • Thanks Ian

  • "My fair Lady" from 1966

  •   The Title of the tune is incorrect

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