Desperadoes Steel Orchestra - Let The Music Play

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Desperadoes Steel Orchestra performs the Barry White classic "Let The Music Play" - “Autumn Leaves”, Love Is a Many Splendored Thing, In My House” and “Ordinary People” at Four Pillars of Steel Concert. The musical face-off featuring four (4) celebrated steel orchestras, WITCO Desperadoes, CAL Invaders Neal & Massy Trinidad All Stars and Tokyo, saw the bands vying for the coveted title “Repertoire Champion” which was won by WITCO Desperadoes. The highly entertaining program was held at the Queen’s Park Savannah, Port of Spain, July 2011. A Repertoire of Championship 2011

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  • Yes, This was a very beautiful Concert. After I heard Tokyo's performance, I said to my co-host, "Those Bigger Bands have to watch themselves. I was the co-host for the live internet stream. It was a rainy Saturday Night but we all brightened by the sun emanating from all 4 Steel Orchestras. All Stars won Best Calypso, Desperadoes won Best Classical & Latin and Overall Best repertoire. Some said that it was unfair that Desperadoes won Best Classic, because the band played only the Can Can portion of "Orpheus of the Underworld" which is only 2.5 minutes. All Stars and Invaders both played the entirety of their classical pieces. I said the Renegades should have been part of the Pillars, because they were formed circa 1948, just I year after The Dead End Kids changed its name to DESPERADOES (lol) .Casablanca is just as old, but maybe they did not have a repertoire.

  • Very enjoyable, Enjoyed every second of it. Desperadoes forever. Trinidad's gift to the WORLD. nough said!

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