Desperadoes - Toccata & Fugue in D minor

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Arranged and conducted by Raymond Shaw

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  • Well performed and arranged,,if anyone can get hold of one of the LP,s records  of the Guyana Symphony Steel Orchestra,,i,ve witnessed the performance of this said classic in the early 1970,s in georgetown,,the only difference is the addition of a Trumpet,,,Saxaphone and a Trombone,,arranged by Mr Desmond Frasier  a professional musician leader Rudy Boysie Bishop and whom have migrated  to the USA years ago,,it,s wonderful to listen to believe you me,,i think there are two LP,s

  • Wow, this is great stuff! A classic should be in present in every performance.
  • Perfectly arranged,,this makes me remember witnessing The Guyana Chronicle Symphony Steel Orchestra In the the late 1970,s,playing Swan Lake. There is nothing so  sweet like listening to the ordinary oil drum converted in a masterpiece for a musical instrument,,

  • Man, this is my type of music that makes your hair raise
  • That is some serious music. Despers, was then and still is today, the most awesome steel band in the world. Under the leadership of Rudolph Charles, this band produced some of the most disciplined and talented players, to ever play the instrument. Kudos to Mr Raymond Shaw for his excellent work this fine album of great classical music.
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