Desperadoes - Waltz of the Flowers - from Naila

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Arranged and conducted by Raymond Shaw

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  • @Francis & Joe emails have nothing to with me directly. There is a stop following option under the comment box.
  • This is a most beautiful and well performed piece.

    Bravo, Desperadoes!
  • The traditional musical combination of instruments such as Woodwinds, Brass, Strings, Precussions, Pianos and Key Boards, for centuries defined and was faithful to the establish Symphonic instrumentation of any type written music. Evidently, the orchestra grew by accretion throughout the eighteenth and 19th centuries, but changed very little in composition during the course of the 20th century. With this history in mind, only the Steelpan family of instruments and without the traditional musical instruments, can perform any Orchestral Chamber music written by great Composers; the Morzart, Choplin and others. A steelband is an Orchestra.
  • and some people wonder why it is called a steel orchestra.  Joe Lee is correct.
  • @ Michael, this is not the Tchaikovsky piece that everyone knows. It was composed by Leo Delibes from the ballet Naila.
  • Sorry>>> That is not Waltz of the Flowers
  • I would sincerly appreachate that you only send one mail a week and no more For sevral times ma mails were sent back to the personnes because my mail box was full, this is unacceptable. So take in concerdation my request in the shortest dela. Cordialy
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