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2005 Steelband Panorama Finals Arranger: Clive Bradley

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  • Just some trivia in 2005:

    (1) 2005 was the last year that Desperadoes placed in top-three.

    (2) In 2005, Phase II made history by winning panorama by 20 points.

    (3) Desperadoes became the only Steel Orchestra to win every pan competition by winning                                 Pan in the 21st Century in 2005.                                                                                                                        

    (4) Clive Bradley became the only one to arrange winners at three different competitions.

    (5) All of Clive Bradley's works placed in the top three in 2005.                                                                              

    (a) 3rd at Panorama                                                                                                                                            

    (b) 1st at Pan in the 21st Century

    (c) 1st at Pan Fiesta

    (d) 1st at Brooklyn Panorama

    (e) 2nd at Brooklyn Panorama

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