Despers - Steelband Fiesta

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Track listing... 1. Moment To Moment 2. Strangers In The Night 3. Governor's Ball 4. Climb Every Mountain 5. Ballad And Theme From Slave Varie - Bomb tunes

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  • Beautiful Sweet pan!

  • THANKS !

  • Excellent. Simply fantastic. I remember it as if it were only yesterday. Desperadoes had already outdone itself in 1966, then came this album. Just superb, and truly indicative of the music of one of the early trendsetters, The Desperadoes Steel Orchestra, fully lending quality to the concept of orchestration in steelband music.

  • This was Desperadoes' 1967 Album. Mr. Prospect and the Bomb piece were co-arranged by Towine, "Panther," "Belt" Robert and "Sarge." The rest are by Mr. Beverly Griffith, the man who arranged 37 of the band's recordings in just 2 years. In 1967, we road-men were taught 8 pieces, and 4 were played on the Road. Remember those good old days of no canopies, racks being pushed, walking and playing, throwing water on the pans to hold the temper of the metal. (lol)

    Mankind always progress to the detriment of other "entities"

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