Despers - Yuh Lookin Fuh Horn

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2001 Steelband Panorama Finals playing Shadow's composition, arranger Clive Bradley.

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  • This Bradley arrangement is one of those tunes that comes to mind when i think of the Desperadoes sound.

    A Powerful, rhythmic sound; aggressive, yet unhurried.

    Despers music, especially those Bradley calypso arrangements, always seemed to remind me of the bands roots, going back to the "badjohn" era.

    It was almost as if the history, the culture and identity of the Desperadoes community was expressed in their music


    I hope they never lose it.

  • Classic Bradley work. Reminds me of what he did with Baron's "The Jammer" in 1884.
  • One of Bradley's most ambitious undertakings.  He almost pulled it off.  This is a piece that should be studied.
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