Destra Garcia- Lucy [Official Video]

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Directed by Eldon Kernel / Lab206 Studios Creative Director - Lyndon Joseph Lead Animators - Fabien Kong Animation by Christopher Boxill By Destra Garcia Destra Garcia - Lucy - Lyrics I grew up as ah real good girl, always Home doh go nowhere, Ah soon as I was introduce tuh Carnival Deh say I loose, All down on de ground, wukkin, wukkin up Meh bottom, And it draggin, draggin all Over town and deh say I Luucy! Was never ah partyier, my school bizarre I used tuh go, But since ah was introduce tuh bacchanal Deh say I loose! When ah drop it hawt, and Ah winin, on top de speaker box and ah Grindin and ah doh wah tuh stop and deh Call meh Luucy! I looser than, Lucy! I sweeter than, juicey! Dis Carnival have meh so damn loose! Hey! Geh loose! Ah wah yuh, geh loose! Geh loose! Ah wah yuh, geh loose! Geh loose! Ah wah yuh loosen yuh waist, kill dem wid De pace! Theres no place Id rather be than in ah Havin ah time, For those who arrive tuh see me actin up And winin loose, All down on de ground, wukkin, wukkin up Meh bottom, And it draggin, draggin all Over town and deh say I Luucy! I never meant tuh be dis way, is de Bacchanal inside ah meh, When I come on ah stage gettin on bad, yuh Know I loose! When ah drop it hawt, and Ah winin, on top de speaker box and ah Grindin and ah doh wah tuh stop and deh Call meh Luucy! But, I looser than, Lucy! I sweeter than, Juicey Dis Carnival have meh so damn loose! Now show meh yuh slackness, show meh yuh Went and practice, Lucy is ah Carnivalist, and that is why I Behave so loose! All down on de ground, wukkin, wukkin up Meh bottom, And it draggin, draggin all Over town and deh call meh Luucy! I grew up as ah real good girl, always Home doh go nowhere, Ah soon as I was introduce tuh Carnival Deh say I loose, All down on de ground, wukkin, wukkin up Meh bottom, And it draggin, draggin all Over town and deh say I Luucy! I looser than, Lucy! I sweeter than, Juicey Dis Carnival have meh so damn loose! Hey! Geh loose! Ah wah yuh, geh loose! GEH LOOSE! Ah wah yuh, Geh loose! GEH LOOSE! Ah wah yuh, Geh loose! Geh loose! Lucy! Lucy! I looser than, Lucy! I sweeter Than, Juicey! Juicey! Dis Carnival have meh so damn loose! Hey! Geh loose! Ah wah yuh, geh loose! Geh loose! Ah wah yuh, geh loose! Geh loose! Ah wah yuh loosen yuh waist, kill dem wid De pace! Now show meh yuh slackness, show meh yuh Went and practice, Lucy is ah Carnivalist, and that is why I Behave so loose! All down on de ground, wukkin, wukkin up Meh bottom, And it draggin, draggin all Over town and deh call meh Luucy! GEH LOOSE! GEH LOOSE! GEH LOOSE! GEH LOOSE! GEH LOOSE! GEH LOOSE! Have meh so dam loose! GEH LOOSE! GEH LOOSE! GEH LOOSE! GEH LOOSE! GEH LOOSE! GEH LOOSE!

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