Did someone forget the Pan? - Pan Semis 2015 Greens and North Stand

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Did someone forget the Pan? Pan Semis 2015 Greens and North Stand,

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  • Trinbago is one nation until Panorama,then people from South and Tobago are not just foreigners, they are alien beings from another world who must be treated with absolute scorn and disdain.40 years and no one other than North and it's region is capable of winning Panorama says a whole lot.

  • Patrick Ramdoo, I totally agree with you and your placing which is exactly how I called it. 

  • Noble, d focus of the young in dat Greens (the majority of patrons by far) is clearly not on Pan. No love for Pan, it ded fuh sure!!!

  • Noble, I am not a Phase fan or All Stars fan, I am a Pan fan and so I maintain the 1,2 SHOULD HAVE BEEN 4,5.

  • How dis ting killing Pan? he Grand stand was full with the "real pan people." The other "real pan people" were on the drag....dey not paying to come inside (too much money to hear pan). The North Stand was filled with "Semi" pan people. And the Greens was packed with party people ......who paid. Pan Trinbago made good money.....not what they do with it is another story.

    And as far as the "should have been" how come when The Phase wins there are no "should have been's"

  • Dis ting killing Pan 4sure!!!! Where is the focus????

  • Reminds me of the first two lines of Kitchener's pan song, of 1980

  • No issue with the people having a great time Patrick. I just want Pan Trinbago to stop saying this is Pan event.

  • What's the issue, bugs? Seems like everyone had a great time and All Stars won. Should have been Renegades, Fonclaire, Invaders but the judges were absent, but that's another story.
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