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TLA Steelband

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  • Round of applause for an English band playing a trini tune. Atleast the music of Trinidad is reaching out to the world. They most certainly need to work on technique, but they are a school band so hopefully there tutor will sort this out.
  • Indeed dancing when playing is an art,,but in time and with rhythm plus Playing the Steelpan with FEELINGS,,JUST ENJOYING THE INSTRUMENT,,,,,NOT BANGING AWAY AND LOOSING ITS TONAL QUALITY,,got to teach them indeed..

  • Dancing while playing our musical instrument is an Art!  We gotta teach foreigners, eh!

  • My complements for the effort made,,  by TLA Steelband,,,,BUT!!! the two fellas on the Bass Pans must exercise STICK  CONTROL,,BANGING ON THE STEELPANS brings forth a SOUR NOTE,,the ringing tone is lost,,as a matter fact everyone must be having stick control.,

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