Digicel Pantime of St. Lucia in the Video Spotlight

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St. Lucia - It is indeed a reality that the Pantime Steel Orchestra has come a very long way. Reflecting on the first panorama outing for the band, it seems so long ago. It was in 2001 that Pantime performed in their fist National Panorama Competition, utilizing the abilities of the youngest arranger Andre McIntosh age 17 ever to arrange in that competition and while the band placed last, the showing was applauded by all. It was said then that great things could be expected from this band which functioned not just as a band but more as a group. Over the years the band has met many of these expectations. Click for more on Pantime http://www.panonthenet.com/spotlight/2006/pantime.htm

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  • i want to congratulate pantime on placing 2nd in the digicel caribbean panorama competition
  • :) Pantime Steel Orchestra! Awesome song!
  • I am so proud to see Digicel Pan Times on the international media. Thank you WST for hosting, Thank you, Tortee for posting.

    I experienced the Pan Times’ first panorama performance and have monitored the progress of this band since. Over the years the players have moved from primary to secondary schools and some have since moved on to higher pursuits overseas but the band still remains solid guided by “Tortee” and company.

    On approaching the Gros Islet Village, one cannot miss the welcoming sounds of the band practicing, not only during the Panorama season when it is in full throttle, but during the year as well, you are greeted with either a solo practice or tuning of the drums.

    It is sad and shameful that this year they and the other bands that comprise mainly under 21 year old members are robbed of the opportunity to compete, having seen year after year, the trophy change hands between the veterans Diamond Steel and North Stars since the resumption of the competition in 1998.

    I am very disappointed that there will be no Panorama this year
    “Woe be unto those responsible for leading our pan music astray”

    However I implore the young bands to
    Play pan, play pan. Take courage your time will soon come
    Prepare for 2010 when one of you will take the trophy home

    I look forward to the July pan experience in whatever form it is served. There is nothing more soothing than the experience of many young people gathered together playing sports or beating pan.

    In the meantime I will enjoy the “Pan Times” music on my PC while looking forward to the music of the others like Babonneau, Emerald, Exodus, Harmonites and of course the veterans.

    And by the Way will we ever again experience the music of Allegro or if not, its offspring?

    Blessed Love
  • Sorry to inform you all this year 2009 St.Lucia will not be having Panorama .
  • Beautifullly clean arrangement...will go places...keep it up!
  • Amazing! Young and very talented
  • When is panorama in St. Lucia?
  • :)
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