Dalton Narine Remembers The Early Years (Bertie Marshall and more)

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Recounts his memories of growing up with Bertie Marshall in close proximity, and also Desperadoes. DN talks about his father going up the hill to take a ‘last jump’ with Desperadoes, and his mother saying “be careful, Tokyo [steel orchestra] might be coming up the streets, and you [DN’s father] in the middle.” Which was why, growing up, his father did not want him to play pan. But this was not at all from a social stigma point of view, but rather out of concern for DN getting caught up in steelband rivalries and potential clashes. So DN’s father allowed him and his brother to play mas, to maintain some connection with their culture, though not pan. click for full story http://www.panonthenet.com/news/2010/may/Dalton-5-17-10.htm

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  • Greeting,s
    I remenber growing up at an early age,behind the bridge,playing tenor pan in city symphony,and Mr Bertie Marshall,came to town to share the sweetness of the sound of the double tenor,i was blown away,instanly ibecame a double tenor lover,we use to call Mr Bertie Marshall double tenors that he tuned for city symphony,the barking dogs,
    I am grateful and thankful to the lord,Mr Bertie Marshall have been a great inspiration to me,every time,i play my double tenor,i hear the sound of the barking dogs.R.I.P..My condolences to the family,let not your heart be troubled,he is in the hands of the lord.

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