Drums & Bass - CrossFire Steel Orchestra - featuring Gerion Williams

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Gerion Williams is simply one of the worlds elite Panorama drummers. Here is a "cool down" version with Bass and Drums isolated. Tenor Bass Aaliyah Hospedales Desta Mashama Janasi McNutt Nadia Joseph Bass Brandon Modeste Alexis Schloss Malcolm Rice Joanelle Donald Warren Webster Nia Jacob Kianna Carrington Tannika Phillips Rhythm Section Jerry Guy Lynette Leeyow Kendall Williams Martin Douglas Ian Franco Mikal Primus Mush Jason Barton Orlando Thomas Josh Quillen Alfred Alexis Felix Baptiste Shelton Besson Gerion Williams Basement Recordings captures CrossFire Steel Orchestra 2015 New York Panorama selection "Outta De Box" as arranged by Kendall Williams just days before the competition. This is the "cool down " version being performed at a slower tempo than that at Panorama. Listen to full orchestra performance http://ow.ly/SQYYJ CrossFire took the Panorama stage with 75 players. Pans tuned by Roland Harrigin

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  • How about a drummers' competition as part of the next International Panorama. There are some good fellars in the drumming business, including Bessie Redhead of Afro Pan in Toronto and Kerry Cyrus of Angel Harps in Grenada.

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