Ebonites Steel Orch ..wmv

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Ebonites Steel Orch early 1960's . Making a Record was a Major Achievement for the SteelBand crowned with all the Pride and Recognition that came with it . A...

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  • Knolly Bobb now deceased was the arranger of the band at that time

  • Thanks very very much for posting this GEM from the  1960's, I would like to also hear ROSES FROM THE SOUTH

  •  Real Nice One…thanks for posting. Morvant Massive!!

  •  Bede all I have of City Symphony is Poets and Peasants from the 1966 Festival .

  • Ebonites one of the Greats Thanks. Does anybody have Water Music by Invaders Steel it was a Bomb Tune in the 60's ---Ray

  • Steve, do you have City Symphony? 

  • The Tunes are  : 1= Annie Laurie . 2 = Baila Merengue . 3 = Benwood Dick . 4 = Crazy Love . 5 = Keep The City Clean . 6 = Kisses . 7 = La Cumpasta . 8 = Leave The Dam Doctor . 9 = Monica DoDo . 10 = Vyia Merengue . Sweet SteelBand Music for your Listening Pleasure . Please Enjoy .

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