Edric Connor - De Ribber Ben Come Dung/Bamboo (1952) - Songs From Trinidad

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"A Digging Song" This, like many other Jamaican folk songs, was the inspiration for a verse in an early Wailers hit "Jumbie Jamboree". Songs From Trinidad

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  • I remember when I was a little boy, my mother showed me a house on Augustine Lane in Gonzales, where the top of Olton Road meets Augustine Lane. She told me that Edric Connor used to live there. I didn't even know who Edric Connor was.

    I also heard that he was the first person to take a steelband to play on a stage.


    The band was from Gonzales.

  • At a time when there were few black actors with significant roles in Hollywood movies, Edric Connor made us proud by having important roles in a number of movies in the nineteen fifties and sixties, including Moby Dick with Gregory Peck, Fire Down below (Robert Mitchum, Rita Hayworth), The Vikings (Tony Curtis and Kirk Douglas).

    He was also mainly responsible for bringing TASPO to the Festival of Britain in 1951.

    Apart from being a great artist - actor and singer, he was a significant contributor to the advancement of Trinidad and Caribbean culture.

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