En Route Home US President Roosevelt (1936) In Trinidad

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M/S as the ship, "Indianapolis", sails into the dock, journalists try to get a good view. M/S of the President of the United States of America, Franklin D. Roosevelt, embracing a man and laughing L/S of big parade driving down the street with his car in the middle. M/S as his car drives through and he waves to the crowds. M/S of them running after him. L/S of car speeding along with guards standing on the sides. Roosevelt waves his hat and smiles. L/S of sailors and Guards lined up on the quay as his car drives through.

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  • Checked the whole video on Youtube, and the Trinidad segment seemed more like 45 seconds, Ian.
    It seemed to me that the motorcade was moving at a faster pace, with a lot more security in Uruguay than in Trini..
    I wonder why?

  • Ian Franklin, the T&T government probably has some of that panorama footage on video tape, rotting away in the old Rum Bond in Laventille!

  • Thanks Pan Times. The last 9 seconds of this footage was shot in Trinidad.

    Too bad that no one has footage of panorama from 1963 through 1976 (lol)

  • LOL -- I knew you would Glenroy...

  • hey, pan times, I finally figured out how to do it :)

  • Great history lesson.

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