Etienne Charles & Kaiso - Sugar Bum Bum (Live)

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Etienne Charles & Kaiso live at Dizzy's Club Coca Cola, Jazz at Lincoln Center, NYC August 1st 2011. Etienne Charles - Trumpet, Brian Hogans - Alto Sax, Jacq...

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  • I love me some Etienne Charles. Blow that trumpet Etienne.You will put us on the map real soon.

  • This was just a beautiful, beautiful rendition of Kitchener's Sugar Bum Bum, a la Jazz. The sweet, soft, melodic sounds were tantalizingly infectious and seductive. Kudos to Etienne Charles and the rest of the band for this outstanding rendition performed in such a unique style.

  • So sophisticated.  So simple and so complex

  • Etienne Charles; the best thing has happened to the future of classical calypso.

  • That was wonderfully wonderful.


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