Finder of Lost Children

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“Finder of Lost Children”, by filmmaker Ricardo Scipio, premiered at the Hollywood Black Film Festival in Los Angeles at the Laemmle Theater #1, Wednesday, June 3, at 3:00 p.m. 2009 Finder of Lost Children' is the story of two half-sisters that meet for the first time at the funeral of the father neither one of them knew. These reluctant siblings make a road trip to deal with their father's meager possessions and in so doing discover the existence of several other lost brothers and sisters who are unaware of their father's passing. The two mismatched sisters decide to extend the road trip to find their lost siblings and along the way they discover the keys to their past and future through the secrets and lies that confront them - buoyed by the humour and humanity that is the irrepressible Caribbean spirit. Written by Charlotte Mountford The film features an original pan score by Danish recording artist/ panist/arranger/composer Sune Borregaard.

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