Fireworks Portrait of Trinidad 15 Steel Orch

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Fireworks!! 15 Steelbands on floats all play The Portrait of Trinidad in front of the Grand Stand, Queens Park Savannah, Port of Spain Trinidad, on the eve o...

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  • This event was so hair raising.i felt like i died and was in Heaven






  • This event I believe took a lot but it was just brilliant and I hope it becomes either a quartterly or semi-annual event!! Thanks to all who contributed.

  • This was awesome. All fifteen(15) steelbands played in unison without a blunder. The musical piece was scored for the steelbands and so, they played accordingly. What you are listening to is the encore; the fireworks started after first presentation. It was so nice, they performed a second time while the fireworks were in progress. A real fiftieth anniversary treat to Trinidad and Tobago.Thanks for a job well done by the SteelfesTT Committee chaired by National Awardee 2012, Mrs Maureen Manchouck. Bravo,bravo,bravo...

  • Please remember that this was a first for all of us, organizers, steelbands, designers and float builders. In addition I gather, there was limited funding for the infrastructure necessary for execution of designs. The only way float building can take place properly is in covered space. An airport hangar type of building would have been ideal. That way designers and builders could work over an extended period of time. Because of the blistering hot sun and heavy rain showers at this time of year, designers and builders were forced to prepare decorative elements in their workshops and wait until the last few days to apply them to floats in the Savannah. Some bands did not want to release their floats to be worked on in the Savannah! All of us have learnt an enormous amount from this experience. However, that finale was for us in the Savannah quite thrilling and I was happy to have played a small part. Congratulations, everybody!
  • Hi Dave, from the little that I have seen and heard, it was worth waiting 4 months later than originally planned.  It was great to have 15 steelbands playing a Jit Samaroo arrangement of  Portrait.  I know how much work went itno this. - Congratulations to all who participated in any capacity!

  • Congratulations "Sleepy". my only "regret" for the event is that I could not be part of that performance. I actually saw people crying! I second your kudos to those you mentioned.

    On another point, by agreement the earliest any trailer arrived at the Savannah for decoration was 16th September. This was an entirely new experience for the designers as well so maybe we can understand the "last minute" execution of their plans.

  • Hi Guys,I was one of the person who performed at this event. There were a few some hiccups with the rehearsals and the the designer teams getting their stuff done on time. Look at Fonclaire, their float was in Port of Spain 6 weeks before the event and why at the last few hours their float was being decorated? That was just one band. Secondly some the bands need to understand when there is a scheduled and organised rehearsal, you need to be there,No excuses. I will stop there. Thanks to Jit Samarrow for the arrangement, Amrit Samarroo for scoring the arrangement, Sonnylal Samarroo(Killer) on Drums and the Samarroo Brothers who were part of the Supernovas band and to the most important man on the ground Mr. Frank Aggarat, Chief Engineer of RAA-(Rent-a-Amp Sound Company) If was not for his patience and professional attitude and experience in Pan , I believe not of been achieved.For the Pannists is was a hair raising event.No competition,anybody could of switched bands as well.I cannot explain how I felt after performing, I wanted to play it at least 4 times. The Foats were beautiful,It was beautiful and THIS HAS TO HAPPEN AGAIN with even more pan musicians.

  • Just to add some insight into Gillian Bishop's comments, the entire event (concert series, international conference and float parade with mass performance) was planned to commemorate the Diamond Anniversary of a significant milestone in the history of pan.  This was scheduled for Augiust 2011 but the Committee - of which Gillian's sister (the late Pat Bishop) was a member - decided to launch the event during the year of our nation's Golden Jubilee instead. The SteelfesTT Parade was separated from the rest of the Festival in May to capitalise on the Independence/Republic Day sentimental environment.

  • Congrats to the entire team, well done,The floats were fantastic, the bands were great,I hope this would not be a once in a lifetime event, being involved with the event, I`m aware of the amount of work that went into it.

    Tune of choice was so appropriate, imagine 15 bands playing Portrait Of Trinidad,I felt so proud of both my national instrument and my country, hats of to you all Maureen,Keith,Roger,Richard,Brain Peter, and again your entire team, We might never see or hear anything like that again in our land., hope not though.

  • Joseph, to be politically correct Jit is the arranger, Amrit gave the count.

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