G.B.T.V. CultureShare ARCHIVES 1991: ROOTSMAN "IN Miami"

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3-24-91 - @ SOCA VILLAGE, BROOKLYN NY... Interview by RADIO/TV Personality... DON BOBB... National of TRINIDAD & TOBAGO....

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  • One of the best "come for Carnival " calypsos ever.

    Rest in Peace, Rootsman .

  • Rootsie was cool people. A good calypsonian. May he rest in peace.
  • Calypsonian Rootsman (Yafeu Osei) has died. 

    He passed away at around 5.45 pm yesterday at his Almond Drive, Morvant, home.

    Tobago-born Rootsman, 64, whose calypso career dated back to the late 1970s, was best known for his hits Miami Vibes, Rack Mih Rack Mih, Parkway Rock and Soca in the Palace.


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