Good Thing Going (Michael Jackson) - George D Goddard

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From the first time I heard Tarrus Riley do this one, I loved it. I hope you enjoy my vocals and keyboards on this reggae background track. DEMO for booking ...Oh, dedicated to the strong woman who keeps me strong. Karen Kong.

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  • GHOST - Who Talks, can also Sing. This again, was a one take, and I was reading the lyrics off a site on the web. My girls LOVE it, and that's what it's all about, ALFIE. lol. Gives you an idea as to why I was getting so much hate in Michigan, around the so-called "lead vocalists". Wait 'til you hear me on soca, and ole time kaiso. Yuh go wanna fall!!! Shem Em Hotep.

    GHOST - Whose Spirit they can NEVER break. I'll keep re-inventing myself.

    Rebirth of COOL. .♪♫ C-O-O-L ♫♫

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