Greig's Piano Concerto -Winniefred Atwell & Panam North Stars

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Clive Seebaran The Dragon met the Butterfly at Fatima College auditorium to test the collaboration without a conductor. We were advised to tone down ( not to swallow the butterfly). Somebody got pissed off when I suggested to the boys to play normal at Woodford Square for the crowd. The volume of the piano could always be adjusted. We were very proficient at playing without a conductor and blending a performance with the available acoustics.

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  • No other steelband ever came close the man is a musical genius and Pan Am will not be duplicated that easy he was way beyond his time

  • You can come to Pan Am with talent and ability! However, when the Great Master of this Fine Orchestra excepts you into this fine organization, you must be willing to submit to want to become even greater than the talent and ability that you came with. Mr. Williams knows what he is looking for, and he also knows what he wants from his musicians, in order to bring about the desired results. This is why you can place Pan Am in Carnegie Hall with an audience full of top flight musicians from the world of classical music, and have them all be blown away from what they have heard. The Tonal Quality Alone is enough to leave them swooning in the aisles; This is the rich legacy that this orchestra has left in the way of creating a standard that all others coming afterwards should measure up to..

  • Talent and ability alone did not produce the arrangement and production of such fine music.Lots of mistakes, practice,and effort  in life makes success.I know my Bro worked very hard to be a part of Tony's band.

  • Excellente adaptation, joli travail, ça aurait métité un bon enregistrement. :-)

  • The Greatest Steel Orchestra Ever To Play Classical Music!...Kudos' To Sir Anthony Williams And The Truly Talented Musicians That Played With Him!.

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