Guinness Cavaliers - 1967 ..wmv

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This Picture of Bobby Mohammed and his Champion Band Guinness Cavaliers was taken at the St. Joseph Convent in San Fernando , Trinidad in 1967 .

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  • I remember this well .. Guinness played for my Dad's band for 5 years straight. Can't recall if this was the year they played "Is Paris Burning" as their bomb tune. 


  • well i recoginize bobby but he has such a distinguishing feature i also recognise Mike alleyne he too has a distinguishing feature I am sure he has his famous cigarette in his hand , steve u still did not answer my question bout south stars my copy got spoilt when the neighbour above me had a drainage problem and water got into my studio causing mildew to fomr on my vinyl whilst I was away, your name sounds familar did you have something to do with that recording
  • Remember the Advertisement " Guinness For Power ", well this is what it meant . I hope you would be able to Identify those Maestros in the Photo .

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