Guyana's Bishops' High School Steel Orchestra at Christmas concert

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The Ministry of Education and Allied Arts presented a Christmas Steel Pan concert on Main Street, Georgetown, Guyana - December 2013

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  • Nice arrangement, Is this a Christmas Song? and does anyone know the name of the Song

  • Thank you students !  Nice playing.

    Thank you teachers for bringing them along thus far.

    Nice Christmas-y colors...shirts and pans...and Santa hats, too.

  • Awhile ago I could watch all the videos on my IPad, now for some reason I can only watch a few, most won't show, ? This has been for a while, it discourages me from coming to the site. Any reason for this?
  • Firstly is that there is need for discipline ,,The Players!!its time for the Government of Guyana to send the Steelpan Tuners to T&T in order to gain more knowledge in Steelpan Making,,my regards to Godfrey of Ruimvelt and SGT Benn of the GDF both Steelpan Tuners not forgetting  Gerian and Posh  from Georgetown Tuner of the Defunct Guyana Chronicle Symphony Orchestra  and Sam   Benons  from New Amsterdam God Bless.

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